Photos and Videos

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool by Andy He

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool by Andy He

Kent Rebman Photo of Normandy

Normandy Cemetery by Kent Rebman

US Soldier by Sammy Sander

US Soldier by Sammy Sander

Twin Towers Memorial, NYC, by Lerone Pieters

Twin Towers Memorial, NYC, by Lerone Pieters

The White House, Washington, DC, by David Everett Strickler

The White House, Washington, DC, by David Everett Strickler

Arlington National Cemetery by Jimmy Woo
Independence Hall, Philadephia PA, by Miguel Angel Sanchez

Independence Hall, Philadephia PA, by Miguel Angel Sanchez

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, 1785, by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, 1785, by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis

Iwo Jima Memorial, Arlington VA, by Susan Calendario

Iwo Jima Memorial, Arlington VA, by Susan Calendario

The Old North Church, Boston MA, by Donovan Reeves

The Old North Church, Boston MA, by Donovan Reeves

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Samuel Schroth

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Samuel Schroth

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Brandon Mowinkel

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Brandon Mowinkel

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Alejandro Barba

US Capitol, Washington DC, by Alejandro Barba

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool by Andy He Kent Rebman Photo of Normandy US Soldier by Sammy Sander Twin Towers Memorial, NYC, by Lerone Pieters The White House, Washington, DC, by David Everett Strickler Arlington National Cemetery by Jimmy Woo Independence Hall, Philadephia PA, by Miguel Angel Sanchez Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, 1785, by Joseph-Siffred Duplessis Iwo Jima Memorial, Arlington VA, by Susan Calendario The Old North Church, Boston MA, by Donovan Reeves US Capitol, Washington DC, by Samuel Schroth US Capitol, Washington DC, by Brandon Mowinkel US Capitol, Washington DC, by Alejandro Barba


Our Mission:

To declare and celebrate our God-given freedoms and liberties as guaranteed by the Constitution, and ensure they endure.

To defeat Democrats and the Uniparty by exposing their illegal, immoral and radical socialist/communist agenda, and by convincing others to be fearless in speaking out against them in public and on social media.

“To liberals, compassion seems to be defined by how many people are dependent on the government. To conservatives, it’s defined by how many people no longer need help. One promotes dependence; the other, freedom, responsibility and achievement.”

– Star Parker

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