Working in a warehouse is depressing reddit

Working in a warehouse is depressing reddit. The first, and most important discovery, was a change in the way I perceived happiness. I can relate, as I am an introvert and been working 3rd shift warehouse 6 years now and it's gloomy and very detrimental to your body after a while. ” This is still possible, but companies like Walmart would rather collect massive profits while letting the government indirectly subsidize their payroll through I started in the warehouse pulling orders and delivering orders to customers my senior of college (studying supply chain). I've had several jobs of different types and all of them make me feel like I am wasting my life. Unfortunately (my fault) i’ve worked at like 20 warehouses in that span of 3 years which is A LOT. Whenever I switch to a new browser or PC I make a backup of my RES settings and import them into the new one and I am good to go. I currently lean on weed to regulate my mood after work. Ignore the depressed/bored people unless you absolutely need something from them because they will just bring you down. Some were paid $30 an hour, others $20 an hour (which is what I was paid). I don’t get how some associates put… Part time 24 hours on top of a full time job I wouldn't recommend, certainly not for a prolonged period. After he Nov 4, 2021 · Working in a warehouse can be a truly depressing experience. I submitted an accommodation request and had my dr sign off on it for a minor part of the job. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not. Yup, without a degree, you can still explore options like entry-level positions in industries that involve travel or varied locations. Unfortunately, the catch was that myself and everyone else that I had been working alongside found that we were all paid dramatically different amounts, yet we had all put in equal effort and time. I can't sleep because I know tomorrow I'm going to drive to work to quit. You can ask for a leave of absence as a form of work Life can be tough; we all experience difficult obstacles at some point in our lives and to overcome them, we need support and inspiration. I assumed everyone browsing Reddit on PC used Reddit Enhancement Suite. Welcome to /r/WFH - 'Working From Home,' the subreddit dedicated to those of us who work from home, be it for yourself or a company. - I didn’t realize how depressed I was until i left and began feeling like my old self again. The work is pretty fun, stimulating and you encounter something new each day. I love working with people, being hands-on (working with my hands/body), being outside, being creative, and I cannot stand being stuck in a cubical. Give it more time. I work in healthcare IT and am directly working on COVID related projects so I feel like I have a purpose. What should I do? Quit right? I wish I could be more specific, but I'm sure most of you can relate. Some days i wish i could work in the warehouse and deliver orders. Often people wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Hi. Biking is also one of the best hobbies to exist imo. I used to run all these jobs and more physically demanding jobs when I needed the cash. My coworkers are nice but way too quiet and reserved. The downside is you are working most holidays. I am now stressed, anxious, depressed, highly confrontational, going to therapy and trying to find meds that work, sick all the time, and honestly just a miserable person to be around. It really depends on what you're looking for. Depends if you work in dry or perishable. If you are lucky no work at a good shop, you’ll have cool coworkers that seem more like friends than coworkers, you’ll get to pick the music in the shop once in awhile, and you’ll get to mess around a fair bit. You only really deal with your coworkers (though when I shipped I worked alone most of the time) and maybe delivery drivers but you don’t have to act fake for 8 hours, and that takes a lot off your shoulders. I basically do the bare minimum and feel like every time I try to start something I’m absolutely dreading all the issues I might come across and feel like giving up immediately. Most depressing job I've ever had. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I work in a warehouse currently but started off doing hardware repair, now doing odd jobs like packing hardware, inspecting new hardware, etc. That is until your supervisor comes and asks you to work for another 3-4 hours on overtime. Inconsequently, I dodge most people at work due to being sore, tired, depressed and tired of small talk or the same ole gossip vs something real. I work warehouse, too. Quitting substances is a great suggestion. Sitting on my chair for 8 hours a day is depressing me. I have almost 1000 subs filtered out, and hundreds of keywords as well. Everybody working their asses off for a few hours, then chain smoking or taking naps in their cars on breakthen repeating the process two more times. Philip Su experienced seasonal depression while working in Big Tech for over 20 years. If I couldn't joke around or be myself to at least one person, I would be pretty depressed too. I pay my bills, but I see everyone else dating & working & working on improving themselves, and it makes me wonder if I'd be better off not being here anymore. I smoke one bowl after work and the incessant chatter in my mind is gone for the rest of the night. I don’t smoke before work though. I’m curious, what does your typical work day look like? Usually physical labor heavy: Given how almost all the work is physical, isn't it bad for your health? At least construction has better pay and has career advancement options. 4. co. Those jobs have been pretty awesome. First day I couldn’t bear the 8 hrs of repetitive tasks, so depressing. Have been feeling unmotivated and depressed to the point where I don’t complete work with the quality that I used to. It really isn't good for you, amd you'll likely burn out at some point. Some people hate working no matter what and they love having fellow misery. Warehouse work is probably the easiest physical job out there but the most mentally draining since you aren't learning any new skills and it's so repetitive. If I just stay at home and do things to escape reality (such as watching TV, listening to music, or playing video games) I feel content with life. warehouse work. Its staffed by people who hate their jobs and possibly their lives. 149 votes, 133 comments. I used love coming home and cooking/ playing guitar in my spare time. Quit. I'm very extroverted. Just because you don't fit into this culture group doesn't mean anything wrong with you. I found so many things depressing: the lighting, being indoors for too long, sitting all day, and the office politics. The other part of this is grinding assignments is not efficient (for me). 2 1/2 years. Not to mention getting little sunlight and poor nutrition. Because it's poorly lit, with zero natural light. Just try not to work for anyone but yourself because if you do you WILL be exploited. I’ve been working here for 7 months and it’s such a gloomy and depressing environment. I hated my life working retail however it does create a social environment that you probably won't have in industrial work. I don't want to do this forever, so I've been searching for a new job. Very repetitive work and really no real progression career wise. I just took another call center job because the warehouse job I took wasn't for me, either. Got a job at Amazon working in shipdock in Sydney. Before my bout with depression, I assumed that happiness was my natural state of mind and that being happy is just inherent. My first week at a warehouse sucked, and then my body got used to all the exercise and I enjoyed the different challenges in the day. If this keeps up, you might want to talk to a therapist/your doctor to see if you are depressed. it is effective cardio if the diet is decent enough. I don't know what is, but that place just makes you feel so damn depressed. I have COVID symptoms and am waiting for my results. So is working at a warehouse a really bad job as described? What are the real benefits of working at a warehouse?. Nights are tough too. I just moved into my new apartment with my roommate. Ask HR about new functions you can do within the warehouse. Aug 5, 2021 · If your work depression or burnout becomes severe, and you feel unable to work, there’s help under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Get a job that you can work as little as possible. If youve been trying to do a hard missing assignment for weeks and its not working, take a break for a week and work on something else from a different class if you can (like from working in an essay to chemistry work). Its great for larger individuals with some extra pounds. A job you love. The vibe is chill, but very few people seem happy in my SC, so I get how it can seem depressing on the surface. The pay isn't great, the work is tedious, the atmosphere is depressing, and it's hot as hell. I'm a fella that likes engaging, interacting, and moving. Metal fabrication, stone working, drywalling, painting, and least of all warehouse. Working nights can be very unhealthy physically and mentally. After all, it is how you make it, and if all other options have been expended, search for a new job or field of work. I’ve been working in the industry since 2020 and i’m fucking done. I work at Starbucks but I'm about to quit because they are still giving me shit about it even though I'm the one who's losing money. If you can find a job that pays $100 per hour and you can work for yourself (don’t have a boss) that’s ideal. Work smarter not harder. Mire generally warehouse work is generally monotonous, but depends where you are and who you work with. I keep taking off work because I literally shouldn't be working. Nothing made my depression worse than when I hated my job/found no meaning in it. Reddit without filtering and customization is absolutely horrible. I find work many environments can be challenging when you have depression. Work to live, don’t live to work. My town is small with very little opportunity for employment so it won’t be an easy task to find a job of equal value. Since I've been working here I've lost all enjoyment in everything I do. First lease for me. It’s one of the most depressing environments you can work. There's so much more I'd rather be doing, and at If she needs to talk to me about my work ethic, it is in a constructive and respectful way. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. I’ve worked at Kroger for nearly 10 years and I have worked nearly every position in the store. As of note, if all of your siblings are adults and not under your mom's roof, you're not "cut off" as much as you think you are. It’s a warehouse. My depression is probably chronic and when I have episodes they're severe - like dropping out of school, stop showering, can't get up to pee or eat, can't answer texts, can't leave the house, suicidal etc. Oh my god you literally just described me. if you're interested in remote roles like data entry, customer support, and virtual assistant, where no degree is necessary, try using remote job alert site like GlobalTalentSpace. Ok so I work this crap job in a warehouse all day every day. Not too bad right? Do it from 9 to 5:30 for the past 4 and a half years. This goes for all things that go wrong at work so I don't spiral into depression when I make a mistake. The fact that you feel happy when you don't have to go to work suggests it might not be depression, but that's not something I'm comfortable saying definitevly over the internet. Warehouse work is very demanding and can get quite miserable for different reasons. Warehouse work is different to office work and attracts a very diff culture of people. Look into roles like sales, hospitality, or even consider remote work. I seriously miss my time working at a warehouse in my teen years, with moving lorries everywhere, people interacting, moving around, etc. You could be a trademan or a counselor. I'm finding it hard to leave because the team is great. Having friends at work is SO important in my view. You never knew what time you were getting out and the managers were assholes. Dry if full of rats and old people who complain about the slightest offense to there day and who made so much of a bitch fit that perishable ( where I work) will rarely leave before them bc it’s “bad for there morale” Perishable is like working in a fridge with occasional spilt milk and pickle juice and the occasional kumbucha. You might get getting the same triggers from your work, but Mom can't press your buttons if she's not talking to you. The long hours, the tedious tasks, and the monotony of repetitive work can take a toll on anyone’s mental health. r/depression_help provides a platform for you to get the support, advice, inspiration and motivation you need to make the best of your life with the mental illness - depression. I used to work in education but lost my job due to the pandemic in Australia. I work in a manufacturing warehouse now and I also once worked a warehouse as shipper/receiver. What it's really like to work in Amazon's warehouse - draining and depressing - Undercover at Amazon: Exhausted humans are inefficient so robots are taking over Robotics mirror. There's definitely work out there for you somewhere, but you'll have to exercise your well trained creativity to find it. I'm 19 and used to work at an Ashley Furniture warehouse unloading heavy furniture and breaking down cardboard all day. Dry goods at a distribution center for a large grocery chain. . I’ve never worked a warehouse job, but I was back door receiver for awhile. Employers must do more to support their employees, and governments must do more to protect workers’ rights. The idea of working seems really depressing to me and there doesn't seem to be any other choice than to not work and become homeless (which is also depressing). But when I've had light periods of depression they sounded like what you described. Factory work can be bad for your health due to harsh environmental factors such as poor ventilation, exposure to chemicals and specialized equipment, repetitive physically demanding tasks, and also social dangers such as unfair working conditions in and out of the factory. Not working right now & my mental health is terrible. Learn tips and tricks to make yourself more productive, avoid distractions and generally make your experience a more positive one. They ended up denying it because I wasn't technical enough. The point of the 40 hour work week was that any person working one (and usually the rest of their family) should be able to survive reasonably, and maybe even have a couple “wants. I wouldn't work in a warehouse again. I'm going through the same thing. erm. You put in X amount of work and receive Y reward and that should be a positive thing. I am really, really struggling with depression around work. But in general, work should be a net positive result. May 30, 2021 · Working in a warehouse can cause anxiety and depression for a variety of reasons. I similarly feel exhausted at the end of the day, but work actually helps me out of depression sometimes. It's grim! Anyways for the past 6 months it's been getting the better of me. Graduated took a management position, then purchasing position, now an IT position related to our ERP software. Nothing really excites me. I know I should be happy to even have a job but everyone at my work always seems semi-depressed being there and I don't expect to love my job, I just want to be able to at least stand my job. After battling depression over the last year, I have come to discover some tips that have improved the overall quality of my life. And let's not forget, wearing business attire and shoes that kill my feet. I currently work in a call center, and I've been working here for a little over 2 years now. I took a job at a Macy’s logistics hub, with 1/2 the work for a 25% increase in pay + seasonal bonus. That said if your reaction was a panic attack at the thought of working it's not the right enviroment for you. This sucks and I have never lasted long (super common in warehouses I'd say it's a 70% ) Scenario 2 you work alone and just do your job. I’m currently doing a second job in a factory and work from home Mon-Fri. To be honest it's all going to depend on who your working with Scenario 1 you work with shitty people with bad attitudes because they are working in a warehouse. I've seen guys at my job lose 150 lbs+ just from the sheer amount of calories burned. I like to stay fit. Warehouse work can vary as with most jobs, mostly depending how hard the company wants to work you. Even if it's not depression, talking to a therapist might be helpful. I took a warehouse position to make some money and was basically offered it on the spot because I know two people who work there. I have days I don't want to leave my bed. You have an art degree. ps. Anyways, I have fibro and am in pain constantly. Marketing is one field where art majors can find paying work, so give that a try. As far as strength training, warehouse work is very limited. They’re ALL the same. I am now 25 years of age. The people can be depressing. I’ve been considering applying for a warehouse position for a while now, especially looking at the potential pay. I currently work in a convalescent home. Pay matters. Feelings like that can often lead to a mental breakdown or a depressive episode, which can cause more harm than good. The work environment also matters and I have an amazing boss who prioritizes work-life balance and her team’s mental health. The grocery store and warehouse work will keep you on your feet. I was feeling depressed enough working there already, but this really adds on to it. In her shitty attempt to punish you she has given you the space to work on yourself. I'm 32, started warehouse work 5 years ago and bought my first home just before i turned 30. I cannot and will not work in a call center for the rest of my life, so I'm going to be starting an HVAC program here in a few months and a community college. It depends on the company, warehouse and the team. 55 an hour. Having worked in multiple warehouses, I have made a few observations as to why this might be the case. The customer base is broke and stressed out about spending any more money that necessary. You're young so you may want to work somewhere where you meet a lot of people. Jan 16, 2023 · Philip Su spent seven weeks working in an Amazon warehouse in Seattle, making $18. you wish you could say no, but you’re scared of losing your job as they DO NOT take kindly to people who refuse to work, let alone overtime if it is needed. I've been searching for a few months now and I just feel either bored or depressed while reading the description. The standard job market is not going to look very awesome for you, probably ever. (I have been working in factory’s since I was a kid, 16 years of age. uk Open Yeah, that is a completely natural feeling. It's repetitive crap. I think moderate use is cool but dependency sneaks up on us all if we are not careful. You're entitled to your feelings of sadness. Note I don't mean a particular job or particular career - I mean work: ie being retained in an job for 8+ hours a day. Think opening a box taking 3 items out of box, close box. Picking up stuff multiple times a day is great exercise! And, as long as you hit rate in a warehouse, most of the time management gives zero fucks what you do.